Teaching about the devil

Why and How do we teach children about the devil


This subject always has to be covered when we us the teaching of the Armour of God over a terms work. If we are teaching about the Armour and how we use it in our every day lives, then of course we need to teach why we need this protective armour that God taught us to use. Whenever I supply teaching on the Armour of God, which is a fun subject for all ages from 2-12 I always supply the following notes on Why and How we teach children about the Devil.

The topic of Satan or the Devil may seem like a difficult subject for children’s ministries to tackle. But it’s important that we do so.  Why?


1.    If kids know about God, they need to know about the devil

It is not OK for children to go through life thinking that the devil doesn’t really exist.

The devil exists. Not only does he exist, he’s not a detail, a bit player in our spiritual life, he is the enemy who seeks our downfall, to turn us away from God.


2.    Don’t turn the truth into a fairy tale

A great number or cartoons/books feature the devil – we all know how the devil is portrayed visually in these types of media. The world encourages children to believe he’s an imaginary figure like the heroes he battles, as in fairy tales, with no direct relationship to their everyday lives as children of God. As they grow up, they will consign the devil to the wastebin, along with Superman, and Dora the explorer.  The Devil’s finest ruse is to make us believe he doesn’t exist, and this can happen from a very early age.


3.    Let us hold on the Revealed Truth

We must not teach anything in childhood that has to be discarded later on. (Yes, even Father Christmas how sad). We must stick to what the Gospels reveal, nothing more, nothing less, without watering it down.


4.    If not you then who?

Imagine teaching Children’s church and not mentioning sin, not mentioning Jesus dying on the cross, there are some harsh subjects that we have to tackle with children. We cannot leave the Devil out, thinking that someone else will explain it all.


Remember the Devil is no mythical creature; he truly exists and constantly seeks to distance us from God.

This is the message that we want to get across.




1.    Start at the very beginning

Help the children understand that God did not create the Devil. Instead, God created the angels, one of those later became the Devil, also known as Satan. At that time, other angels rebelled and sided with the Devil.


2.    Pick a name and stick with it

There are very many names for the Devil, pick one and stick to it so not to confuse the children. I think there are age appropriate names but as a teacher choose which one you are comfortable with and don’t use multiple names.

·       The Devil

·       Satan

·       Lucifer

·       The evil one

There are many more other names but I don’t feel we need to bring     those into Children’s Church.  When teaching very little ones I tend to use “the Evil One” when teaching from age 6 upwards I would be using the term “Devil”.


3.    Age appropriate

It is always important when referring to any part of the Bible that we keep teaching age appropriate, why? Because it is important to not scare, worry or cause anxiety in children of any age. We must never hide or change the facts; however, we must use speak that is acceptable to the age of the children in the room. Here’s an example we can call Rehab either a prostitute or we can say she was a woman who didn’t obey God.


4.    What do we say?

We must explain that the Devil is very strong and powerful but that he is inferior to God, i.e. The Power of the Devil is nothing next to our Great God.  God is all powerful – the Devil is not a God.


I always think it is best to explain to children of any age what the Devil does, this makes the teaching far more relatable.

We can tell them The Devil comes to: -

·       Stop us from following God

·       To make the wrong choices

·       He wants us to decide to NOT be a God follower

·       He comes to frustrate and confuse us

·       The devil tricks us into thinking we have enemies and that people do not like us or even love, us, our parents, our friends, our teachers

·       He comes to cause arguments and upset

Tell the children – IF ITS NOT GOOD THEN ITS NOT FROM GOD! I.e. If something is happening and it’s bad or sad then it’s not from God.


5.    Spoil the ending

We can go ahead and tell them the Truth that we know and hold dear, the strength behind our faith.  That God is ultimately in control and that the devil can’t change that fact. Reassure the children that God is the undefeated Champ and always will be.




Finally, a word of warning –

          6.Don’t make it a Massive Deal – because it’s NOT

             I have experienced children coming into Sunday School mentioning the Devil and almost giving him too much air space!  These children usually come from very spiritual families where they are taught all the very good and bad that the bible teaches us. 

I immediately shut this down with, “Oh we don’t talk about the devil too much here, we talk about God, let’s not even give him our time.”

I even have had friendships where I have had to ask Christians to “please stop” giving credit to the Devil, he really doesn’t deserve it.  Some Christians can let the Devil creep into their speak – I find it very disturbing, it goes like this – “Oh, this or that happened and that was the Devil at work”, “that child has the Devil in them”, “Let’s not let the Devil make us argue” – these are actual statements/conversations that have been spoken to me and each and every time I have shut them down – why – well let CS Lewis guide us, he says :-

“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is the disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.”


It is important for the children to know about what the Bible teaches about the devil, it is part of the story the Bible tells, but – IT IS NOT the most important part. Remember the devil has a small “d”!

If you or your church would like the teaching and lesson plans for the Armour of God, which include great crafts, fun games and a fantastic end of term stage song and presentation, do contact us as we would love for you to use this teaching for your church.

July 18, 2022

cheryl jervis